Carlo Sangalli

Carlo Sangalli  , known as Carluccio, was born in Porlezza (Como) in 1937.

Graduated in law, since 1995 he has been President of the Union of Commerce, Tourism, Services, and Professions of the Province of Milan and since 1996 of Confcommercio Imprese per l'Italia Lombardia.

Former President of the Milan Chamber of Commerce, since September 2017 he has been President of the Milan Monza Brianza and Lodi Chamber of Commerce and since July 2018 he has been President of Unioncamere.

He assumes the Presidency of Confcommercio Imprese for Italy in 2006 and upon expiry, in 2010 he is re-elected, by acclamation, until 2015.

On 12 March 2015, he is again re-elected by acclamation until 2020.

He has been the rotating President of Rete Imprese Italia from 1 July 2017, the unified association of the five main organizations representing small and medium-sized enterprises and the widespread enterprise (Casartigiani, Cna, Confartigianato Imprese, Confcommercio Imprese for Italy and Confesercenti), a position already held from January to July 2013, from May to December 2014 and from July to December 2015.

Member of Parliament of the Chamber of Deputies from 1968 to 1992.

He was Undersecretary of State for Tourism and Entertainment from 1976 to 1978, and Quaestor of the Chamber of Deputies from 1987 to 1992.

Official Website:


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